Are you prepared to enter a world of madness?

Utterly Hevel

Brace yourself as this space is meant to be the deep dive on each cast members in this free for all insanity room with lore and current stories.Still here? Then go ahead and embrace the chaos by exploring each section of this place.DISCLAIMER: Unfortunately, I'm not really here to make it easy for you. But hey, I'll try.

The Cast

Main Cast

Cursed and doomed before birth, Choshek is secretly royalty whose original body is that of a female Hrothgar but was curses to be a male Viera. Though they lived a short but loving childhood with their parents, their mother got severely ill and had to leave the village with their father who told Choshek to live no matter what, as if sensing something from the Chieftan during their last days together as a family. True enough, the Chief planned to use Cho as a sacrifice for the hidden village, yet Cho survived and the villagers died instead. He then kept on surviving even after being cursed later on by a succubus, Tomoka.The life he led made him numb his emotions in order to survive, until one day, he met Abel and ends up finding a rather stable lifestyle under her care. This did lead to difficulties with social etiquette and basic relationship with others that he is convinced that his "love" is cursed as he fell in love three times in a span of a few months, learned the burdens of love, and how his love is not what is considered common or completely accepted by the norm. This love of his resulted to a series of unfortunate events which led him in hurting certain individuals in his life.One night, upon reflecting his mistakes, Choshek's life spiraled further into oblivion with his youthful and naive choices. It was only during a ritual later on that revealed who Choshek's mother is: the Queen, who committed a royal sin by leaving her country at the height of war to be with her lover while carrying their unborn child. Because of this, the people cursed her, a curse born of their lamentations which all went to the womb. Cho's parents sought help from a hidden village found in the far north of Yanxia that altered the curse to save the baby. The Chief left a condition to the cursed infant: if the child learned to forgive himself, the curse would be broken.Few years later, with the help of good friends through Yeux, Art, Ella, and Mui, Cho learned to forgive himself. Yet the original curse was meant to kill him, so he was on the verge of death until the recent ritual that Curry spearheaded. Despite the complications during the said ritual, it was taken cared of by Yeux and one of his mysterious shards that they came to know that kept both egoistic demons on a leash. Once the ritual is complete and demonic deals have been made, Choshek's curse is now meant to be more everlasting than the one the Chieftan gave him. Now, if Cho gets hit by hot liquid, Cho will turn back to his original body: a female Hrothgar. And when it is with cold liquid, Cho will then revert back to the cursed body: a male Viera.

Supporting Cast


Guest Stars

The Lore

Worlds & Timelines

Meet the Multiverse:

The Warrior of Light

The Cruel Creator

Hello and well cum to the one behind all the cruelty that The Cast goes through and so on. 'Tis I, The Cruel Creator, and you may call me TCC.To start with, I am and will always be about the story.If for some reason we have collabs with a story, know that I will forever lean to where the story and characters take me.With that said, I will not apologize to inflicting pain in the story we created, but I will apologize and own up to my own shit when I know that I've caused harm because I was not careful.Of course, that will all depend on what truly happened as there will always be unforeseen circumstances that even I have no control over.But, worry not, for I have also decided not to have any new RP Partners as I no longer have any tolerance for IRL drama that seems to keep coming to me despite whatever I do with my boundaries and so fort.I am still up for collabs and making friends, but will be very careful about it. RP will be very limited to specific groups and AU hosting stuff. Outside that, no more, especially romance.My creative storytelling will be number one priority, and being limited to it is something that I also hate, and why I appreciate those who let me do what I want.Of course, this doesn't mean I will disrespect your boundaries, and also one of the reasons why I will be very picky with collabs.So let us breakdown the DOs and DONTs!This list can go on forever, but this will be the main ones to do and also to not do. Just know that I will be vocal about my boundaries if you cross it. Don't be offended, it is just something I'm not okay with even if you are. We are different people, and that's normal.


  • Interact online (X/Twitter)

  • Approach and Engage with in-game

  • Book in AU Hosting Sessions

  • RP in groups

  • Be friends

  • Meet my friends

  • Ship your OCs with my OCs for fun ONLY! (gpose collabs, fanart, random gushing, brainstorming, world building, throw random lore at each other)

  • Respect my boundaries, as well as my friends

  • Fangirl about FF14 and other media

  • Tell me if I made you uncomfortable (I am aware I can be too much, so tell me and I will pull back or away; don't allow anyone to make you feel uncomfy no matter what)


  • Ask for my Discord (let me be the one to do that)

  • Think of having a romantic IRL relationship with me (you don't want that, trust me)

  • Approach my OCs with romantic interest (I have decided to not have anymore RP Partners as I am just not a good one)

  • Interact at all if you have a self-righteous agenda to fictional characters doing things you are not into

  • Talk to me if you are anti-lalalewd, anti-proshipping, people who can't differentiate fiction from IRL (just block me and move on, I'm not forcing you to consume and like what I like)

  • Approach my friends to get to me for whatever reasons you have

  • Force your stories to mine (let it flow properly)

  • Think that I'm kind, I'm most likely just polite, and will show you a horrible time if you even do something to Yeux and Pinen that is not good

  • Expect me to reply to you in X or Discord; I am not as sociable as you think

  • Immediately think we are close friends if we barely talk to each other